Want a Written Offer ?

I want an offer for my party


Fields with an asterisk are obligatory.
Parent full name*:

Kid's gender: *

Kid's name*:

Kid's birthdate: *
2nd Kid's name:

2nd Kid's birthdate: *


Postal Code*:


How did you find us? *

Best time to contact you *:
Party date *:

Number of kids *:

Number of adults*:

I agree to the storage of my personal data for the "exclusive and only" purpose of informing me, for an offer at parties or current events.
This update will be done by SmS or viber or e-mail strictly & only from the Fairytale - Playground and spectacle.

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What people say about us?

Everything was great, very nice environment, impeccable service

Smiling faces and courtesy above all, thank you.

Alexander`s party

It will be unforgettable to us and our guests. It was more than wonderful! Congratulations on professionalism, cleanliness, food and shows. We`ll meet again next year!

It was the first time we celebrated our son`s birthday in Athens

I really liked that there was constantly a girl next to our children and take care of them. For us it was a great surprise to see the illuminated frame with the handwritten wishes. Very impressive. I thank you all because this day was emotionally charged and for a while I was able to leave every day`s problems aside.

As always you are top in party quality & value all children. !!

Congratulations 7 consecutive parties for my 2 children.

Nice place

People with fantasy and smile !!! Everything was excellent! Thank you very much!

I threw myself into a sea of happiness through my daughter`s surprised eyes

I danced, I played, I sang, I saw happily smiling children`s faces. I came from Vari to make my daughter`s birthday as unique as possible and i succeeded in giving my daughter the sweetest experience of her life so far.